Starting a new life?
It is a new country and a completely new life. At Taleen Mortgages, no barrier can stop us from fulfilling your financial needs. Even if you still struggle with your English Language, we are fluent in many different languages.
Canadian citizens applying for mortgages is fairly a simple process. Yet as an individual who has recently moved to Canada and isn’t a citizen, you can still get your mortgages. It is just a more extensive process. Here’s where a professional mortgage broker becomes essential. We at Taleen Mortgages help you your new-to-Canada mortgage seamlessly and quickly.

As a new comer looking for a mortgage,
there are five different scenarios for application.
1. The best-case scenario
If you’re a permanent resident, who has a good credit score and a down payment of 5% or more, you qualify for a regular mortgage that any Canadian citizen can get.
2. The second scenario
If you’re a permanent resident, who has the 5% or more down payment, but your credit score is weak, you are not ideal, but it still qualifies you qualify for the New to Canada Program which is offered by the three mortgage default insurance providers.
3. The Third scenario
You’re not a permanent resident, but your application is submitted, and you have a valid work permit. Add to that, you enjoy a good credit score and have a down payment of 5% or more. Here again, you are qualified for a regular mortgage.
4. The Forth Scenario
You’re not a permanent resident, but you have a 10% or more down payment while your credit score can be good, fair or weak. This scenario qualifies you for the New to Canada Program.
5. The final scenario
- You’re not a permanent resident and don’t have a down payment of at least 10%. Unfortunately, this is the one scenario in which you can’t qualify for a mortgage.

Years of experience with foreigners
In Taleen Mortgages, our team knows the best mortgages for new Canadians. We take pride in our exceptional relationships and vast network with lenders across Canada. We are knowledgeable and solution-focused. Our years of experience has made us believe that everyone has something they can show to demonstrate what makes them qualify for a mortgage. Our experts help you show your file in a way that gets you approved for new-to-Canada financing with ease.
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